Conditions Treated
We want to see all our patients attain and maintain a level of wellness care. This is when your body is fully healed and only needing maintenance adjustments. It is still recommended to come in for periodic adjustments to keep things running smoothly. This requires a quick visit 1-4 times per month based on your lifestyle and goals.



Arthritis, or joint pain or joint disease, is the leading cause of disability in America. More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children are suffering from some type of arthritis. Common symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. Severe arthritis can result in chronic pain, inability to perform normal day-to-day activities, and has the potential to cause permanent joint damage.

To determine whether or not you may be suffering from arthritis or to determine the severity, your medical professional will perform blood tests and conduct an imaging scan (ie: x-ray, CAT scan or MRI). Eating healthy, staying active, and understanding your type of arthritis and treatment options are crucial to decreasing your discomfort and paving the way for an enjoyable, happy life.

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Auto Injuries

Auto Injuries

Many different types of injuries, with varying degrees of severity can be sustained in even the most minor of auto accidents. Some common ones include: whiplashlow back pain, headaches, and extremity injuries. Even a minor injury can result in painful symptoms that  inhibit your daily activities. Through a combination of chiropractic care and physical therapy we can alleviate your initial symptoms and then help restore your body to optimal performance. We will design a program, to suite your needs specifically and will work closely with you to accomplish your goals. Our goal is to help you return to the same condition you were in prior to the accident or better.

Getting Treatment

If you do not have health insurance, do not worry you can still get the treatment that you need. Our office will be able to treat you on what is called a Lien. This is where we will treat you and wait to be paid when the case settles. We take a Lien on the case to treat you. However, in order to do this, you will need to be represented by an attorney that will protect our outstanding medical bills. You can come in to our office and discuss your injuries and any concerns or questions you have on the process. It is very simple and we do all we can to help you during this difficult time. Feel free to contact us with questions at any point.

Coming Prepared

We have extensive experience in helping victims of auto accidents, not only in your treatment but also thorough documentation of your injuries and progress as well. Our experience in dealing with cases like yours makes it that much easier when it comes time for you to settle with the insurance company. It is important for you to come prepared on your first visit, so that we can efficiently treat and document your injuries.

We have our new patient forms online so that you can conveniently print and fill them out prior to your appointment. If you went to a hospital after the accident, bring the notes as well as the results of any x-rays or other exams. We also need a copy of your police report and drivers license. You will need to find out if you have Med Pay on your auto insurance, if you do we will need the claim number from that. We will need to make a copy of your auto insurance card and if you have health insurance bring that as well.

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Back Pain

Back Pain

Since back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide, it is vital to know how to prevent the cause of back pain. By maintaining a healthy diet and weight, remaining active and avoiding prolonged inactivity or bed rest are all important ways to avoid back pain. Before doing exercises or any physical activity, it is recommended to warm up and/or stretch.

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When there is too much pressure put on the median nerve of the hand, it can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. The compression of this nerve can cause tingling or numbness in the hand and may lead to weakness in the hand and the arm. The tunnel is in the hand. It is a narrow passage that is surrounded by ligaments and bones.

There are several things that can contribute to the condition, and one of the most common is doing repetitive motions with the hand. It can also be caused by certain health problems. When you need pain relief from this condition, you need chiropractic care for carpal tunnel from a chiropractor. Call our Sandy Springs, GA, office to schedule your appointment for joint pain. We at Horizon Health Care Group are here to help.


The symptoms of this syndrome often start out mild and gradually get worse. Numbness and tingling are often the first symptoms. Both symptoms may be felt in the hand or the fingers. It is often in all the fingers other than the little finger. This can also present as a feeling like an electric shock in the hand and these fingers. The feeling may go from the wrist and travel up the arm. You may feel these symptoms when you drive a car, hold a phone, or hold a book. The feeling can be strong enough to wake you up at night. You may have a consistent numb feeling after a while.

You may also have weakness in your hand that causes you to drop things. This can be because the hand feels numb or because the muscles of the thumb are too weak. The median nerve controls these pinching muscles, and when they don’t work right, it can cause a lot of problems with everyday tasks.

How Carpal Tunnel Works

The median nerve starts in the forearm and goes through the tunnel, a passageway, and then into the hand. When there’s pressure on the median nerve, it can cause this syndrome. When something irritates or squeezes the nerve in the area where it is inside the tunnel, the patient may develop carpal tunnel symptoms. There are several things that can irritate the nerve, including arthritis and a fracture of the wrist. Sometimes, it is a combination of factors that leads to this syndrome.

Visit Us for Chiropractic Care for Carpal Tunnel

When you need a chiropractor for joint pain, pain relief, or some other problem, call us at (404) 252-2520 for our office in Sandy Springs, GA, to get care. We at Horizon Health Care Group are here to help.

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Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is when natural changes in the discs of your spine cause pain. The discs between vertebrae act as shock absorbers for your spine, and as you age, they begin to lose flexibility. While this is a normal part of aging, it should not cause pain. If you experience pain due to this, it is classified as degenerative disc disease.

Each disc is composed of a sturdy outer wall and a soft, gel-like inner core. When we are born, these discs are primarily composed of water, but as age advances, the discs lose some of this water content and begin to get thinner. As you might imagine, this means each disc doesn’t absorb the shocks of everyday life as well.

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headaches migraines

Headaches/ Migraines

Headaches can impact every waking moment of your life. In truth, they can impact how you sleep, too. The bottom line is that this is not something you want hanging around. The good news is that our team at Horizon Health Care Group serving Sandy Springs, GA, offers chiropractic care for headaches to help you achieve relief in a safe and natural manner.

Common Causes

Headaches are a sign that something is going wrong in your body. Though that something can be many places in your body, some of the most common causes are the following:

  • Stress
  • Sinuses
  • Misalignment in the neck or back
  • Muscle tension or strain
  • Nerve compression
  • Poor posture

How We Can Help You Achieve Headache Relief

The typical source of treatment for headaches, medication, acts more like a BandAid – it simply covers up the pain. We specialize in treating the root cause of pain so that you can experience lasting relief. How do we achieve that goal? Through natural methods that can help provide the following benefits.

  • Proper alignment: Through adjustments and other treatments, the spinal column from the neck to the lower back can be properly realigned. This can relieve tension, nerve compression, and more.
  • Sinus relief: Do you ever think about visiting us for sinuses? Probably not, but they can be very helpful. By placing pressure on specific points, we can help relieve sinus pressure. In doing so, you can find relief from sinus related pain.
  • Stress and tension relief: Our treatments can be effective at relieving tension in the body. As pain and tension fall away, the source of stress often falls away as well.
  • Releasing compression: When nerves, muscles, and blood vessels are constricted or compressed, it can easily lead to a headache. When this is the case, chiropractic care can use spinal decompression to gently stretch the spine.
  • Restoring health: As your body becomes free from pain, misalignment, tension, and other issues, blood and healing nutrients can flow properly. The body’s organs can also be more effectively do their jobs – one of which is to release and regulate hormones.

Visit Us for Headache Relief from a Chiropractor on Our Team

There are many benefits you can get from chiropractic care for headaches and we can help you experience them. That’s why we invite you to come and get help for your pain with a chiropractor on our team. We at Horizon Health Care Group serving Sandy Springs, GA, is here to provide you with quality, customized care for your needs. Call (404) 252-2520 to schedule your appointment today.

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Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee pain is increasingly becoming a more common problem in society. It is a complaint we see frequently. The most common complaint associated with knee pain is considered the normal “wear and tear.” Another ailment that affects the knee is osteoarthritis. The symptoms and progression of osteoarthritis and knee pain can be reduced through our individualized approach to chiropractic care.

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neck pain

Neck Pain

The neck, also called the cervical spine, begins at the base of the skull and contains seven small vertebrae. The cervical spine supports the full weight of your head which is on average about 12 pounds. While the cervical spine can move your head in nearly every direction, this flexibility makes the neck very susceptible to pain and injury.

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Neuropathy is a medical condition caused by damaged nerve cells and often associated with autoimmune diseases, infections, diabetes, tumors, or hereditary conditions. Peripheral neuropathy currently affects over 20 million people in the United States with symptoms ranging from tingling or burning pain and nausea to muscle spasms, difficulty moving your arms or legs, or atrophy.

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Personal Injury

Personal Injury

At Horizon Health Care Group in Sandy Springs, GA, we offer safe and effective care for patients suffering from personal injuries. The most common injuries are back pain, pinched nerves, and whiplash. However, our treatment methods allow us to treat almost any damage. Read below to understand what injuries we treat. Additionally, there are a few of our treatments included below.

Back Pain

We treat many patients with back pain at our clinic. Many of these patients have suffered a personal injury from a car accident or slip and fall incident. However, no matter how you suffer your back injury, we can treat it with advanced methods like spinal decompression and chiropractic adjustment.

Pinched Nerve

Pinched nerve conditions are common personal injuries. These conditions are often from by a misaligned spine pressing on the nerve. Our chiropractors can treat this condition with a chiropractic adjustment.


Whiplash is a prevalent injury that often results from car accidents. Whiplash often results in a misaligned spine, which can cause pain. Our chiropractors can treat whiplash with a spinal adjustment.

Spinal decompression and chiropractic adjustments are the primary treatment methods for these ailments. Read below to discover more.

Spinal Decompression

We offer cutting-edge spinal decompression treatments at our clinic. Spinal decompression is intended to treat herniated discs, which can cause severe back pain. Herniated discs are among the most common injuries in a personal injury incident.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Quite a few personal injuries are linked to a misaligned spine. This is because a personal injury often knocks the spine out of alignment. Our chiropractors can perform a chiropractic adjustment to treat these injuries.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Top Chiropractor

Suppose you have suffered personal injuries and need to see a leading chiropractor, contact Horizon Health Care Group in Sandy Springs, GA, today. We can treat your injuries quickly and effectively using our advanced treatment methods. We’re here whether you suffer from back pain, a pinched nerve, whiplash, or another condition.

If you would like more info about our treatment methods, feel free to message us through our site. Then, if you’re ready to make an appointment, call us at 404-252-2520, and we’ll help you set a time to see one of our chiropractors.

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Pinched Nerve

Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve can happen in a variety of places throughout the body with some of the most common being the lower spine, wrists, neck, and legs. A pinched nerve occurs when the muscles or tendons around the nerve are inflamed, putting pressure on the nerve and either causing pain or even numbness throughout the extremities related or attached to this affected nerve.
Your pinched nerve may be caused by different physical conditions such as carpal tunnel or a herniated disc. Though pinched nerves can be painful, the majority of patients find that their pinched nerve(s) goes away on its own.

If the pinched nerve does not resolve itself and you have persistent pain that lasts for more than a few days, you should seek medical attention by scheduling an appointment at Horizon Health Care Group with our chiropractor. This is especially true if you’ve tried at-home treatments but feel like your pain is worsening as time progresses. With pinched nerves, it’s important to seek medical attention in order to identify the underlying cause of the pinched nerve to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

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Sciatica can be a serious condition that impedes daily activities and lowers a patient’s quality of life. It is a type of nerve pain that affects the sciatic nerve. It can be highly painful, but there are pain relief techniques available from the chiropractor. It’s common to have lower back pain with this condition, but there is other pain possible as well. If you need pain relief, call our Sandy Springs, GA, chiropractor office, Horizon Health Care Group, to schedule your appointment to have your condition assessed and treated.

Nerve Pain

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve- in fact, it’s the body’s largest. This nerve begins in the lower back and goes downward through the buttocks and branches into the legs. When something pinches nerve, it causes pain to it, and this is sciatica. It can be caused by spinal stenosis, when the spine narrows, and it compresses the sciatic nerve. It can also be caused by a bone spur on the spin that pinches nerve or a herniated disk in the spine. Tumors can also cause this, as can diabetes. Most sufferers feel this pain on one side of their body. The pain can be anywhere from minor to severe.

The Risk Factors

When stress is put on the spine, this can cause nerve pain. This can be caused by obesity as well as natural changes occurring in the body as a patient gets older. Some major causes of this condition are herniated disks and bone spurs. However, there are also many lifestyle tasks that can lead to it. If you have a job that causes you to twist your back often, sit for long hours, or drive for long hours, these can be a cause. It can also be caused by carrying heavy, large objects often. If you have diabetes, this is a major risk factor.


Pain can be felt at any point along the sciatic nerve. This may be lower back pain or pain that is in the hips, buttocks, or legs. It may feel like burning, or it may be a dull ache. It can also get extremely painful with sharp pain or what feels like electric shocks. If you sit for a long time, cough, or sneeze, it can make it more painful. Anything from lower back pain to pain or muscle weakness in the leg or foot can be considered a symptom.

Visit Us for More Information

To have your condition assessed and treated by the chiropractor, call our Sandy Springs, GA, office at (404) 252-2520 for us at Horizon Health Care Group.

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shoulder pain

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is a very common condition and affects almost half of the U.S. Most patients feel some sort of pain, limited range of motion, an inability to engage in activities of daily living (ADL) or something more serious as a permanent disability.

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sports injury

Sports Injury

Sports can be very taxing on your body, no matter what you play. Our trusted staff will work with you to get to the root of your problem and help you feel better again. We help treat and also prevent injuries in the neck, back, shoulders, knees, and ankles. We are able to manually adjust your spine, relieving any pain that you are feeling. This will allow your body to function much better after the injury.

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TMJ is an abbreviation for the temporomandibular joint which connects the mandibular, or your lower jaw, to the temporal bones of the skull. The TMJ is one of the more unique joints within your body as it allows you to move your jaw forward, backward, and side to side so that you can chew, talk, sing, yawn, and more. This joint can be found just in front of your ears on both sides of your head.

Any problem with the muscles, ligaments, discs, bones, or the joint itself are known as temporomandibular disorders or TMD and refers to the actual disorder, where the jaw joint is misaligned and causing problems such as pain, inflammation, and inability to move or operate the jaw. However, these problems or conditions are often incorrectly called by the joint name of TMJ instead.

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Vertigo is the feeling that you are moving when you’re not. This sensation can be triggered by movements such as turning your head too quickly or looking down from a great distance, but it is ultimately caused by problems in the inner ear, brain, or brainstem. There are two different forms of vertigo with each stemming from various medical issues: peripheral vertigo and central vertigo.

Peripheral vertigo results in a problem with your inner ear and thus your balance, while central vertigo occurs when your brain or brainstem are suffering from a disease originating from your central nervous system (CNS). Peripheral vertigo is typically more severe, and central vertigo is more gradual in its onset. Regardless of the type of dizziness you are experiencing, more than likely, your quality of life is suffering because of it.

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Whiplash is one of the most common injuries suffered in a car accident. It can cause severe neck and back pain and stiffness. You need to learn about the symptoms of this condition so that you know when you need to come to our clinic for treatment. We offer multiple highly effective treatment methods for this condition. At Horizon Health Care Group in Sandy Springs, GA, we can treat neck pain from any cause, including a car accident. Read on to learn more about car accident-related neck pain and how to treat it.

Common Symptoms

The most commonly reported symptom is severe neck and upper back pain. However, this is far from the only sign. In addition to pain, patients often report neck and upper back stiffness. They may feel like they can’t turn their heads or nod. A neck injury from a car accident can even cause headaches. However, many patients do not initially think that headaches are related to their auto injury.

Treatments We Offer

The most effective treatment we offer for neck injuries is spinal adjustment. Many neck injuries are either caused or compounded by the spine being misaligned. Your chiropractor can gently adjust your upper spine so that it is back in alignment. This adjustment will reduce pain and help your body begin the healing process.

Massage therapy is effective for many auto accident injuries. In addition, massages from a skilled chiropractor can speed up the healing process. This healing is because the massage increases blood flow, which promotes faster healing.

Exercise therapy can also be helpful for your auto injury. It is often used in conjunction with another treatment method. You will get a regimen of exercises and stretches that you can perform in the comfort of your own home. These exercises will strengthen your neck and help it recover fully.

Make an Appointment for Chiropractic Treatment

Horizon Health Care Group in Sandy Springs, GA, can effectively treat your whiplash to relieve your pain and help your neck heal more quickly. Our chiropractors are highly qualified, so you can rest assured that your chiropractor can treat your neck pain effectively.

You can make an appointment by giving us a call. We can also answer questions about our ability to treat auto accident injuries. Contact us at (404) 252-2520 to schedule chiropractic treatment. We would be happy to assist you.

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Work Injuries

Work Injuries

Workplace injuries don’t only occur during traumatic slips and falls at work but are more often than not, the result of repetitive movements, and caused by doing the physical demands required of your job over an extended period of time. These types of workplace injuries are all too common in today’s workforce and are best identified by their symptoms.

Symptoms of a workplace injury can include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Carpal tunnel and hand pain
  • Disc injuries
  • Sciatica (pain caused by the sciatic nerve in your lower back and legs)
  • Joint pain

Being examined by a chiropractor is often the first step in identifying and treating a workplace injury through non-invasive care which is why Horizon Health Care Group conducts thorough examinations during his first session with new patients in order to better assess their injury. Since workplace injuries usually develop over time, it’s important to share all the symptoms you may be experiencing so we can identify the root cause.

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Disc Problems

What can cause a disc problem?

The disc is a small cartilage pad, between the bones in your spine. There is a soft jelly-like center, surrounded by fibrous tissues. The disc works like a shock absorber for the spine, connecting and spacing the vertebrae. A health disc allows your back to turn and bend normally.

Spinal discs have poor blood supply and depend on the circulation of joint fluids to bring in nutrients and expel waste. When a spinal joint loses it’s normal motion, the pumping is impaired and the health of the disc deteriorates. Trauma or an injury can cause discs to bulge, herniate or rupture. This can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots, causing pain and impaired function. Because they are attached to vertebrae, discs do not slip, but they do sustain other degenerations. The most common of which are: disc tearbulging disc, and herniated disc.

Disc Tear

A small crack or microtear in the outer edge of the disc is the most common disc injury. It allows the fluid to start leaking out, thinning and wearing out the disc.

Bulging Disc

There is a soft jelly-like material in the middle of the disc, when this pushes to one side (in any direction), swelling occurs. The disc fluid is still contained withing the disc but this “bulging” can still cause increased pressure and painful symptoms.

Herniated Disc

The soft material and fluid in the center of the disc can rupture through the outer layer and extend beyond the disc. This can cause a variety of painful symptoms.

How do we treat disc problems?

The chiropractic approach is to help restore motion and correct the position of the spinal joints. This can reduce bulging and decrease inflammation to allow the surrounding soft tissues to begin the healing process. There are many different adjustment methods and techniques. We believe in selecting and adapting those which suit your body and personal needs best. One method that has proven particularly effective with disc problems is spinal decompression therapy, which promotes the disc to return to it’s normal healthy form.

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Many points concerning the Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) remain in dispute, including whether its causes are physical, physiological, or even social. In recent years, several theories have been developed concerning the cause of the syndrome, but this is still the subject of much conjecture and controversy.

Despite these questions, specific diagnostic criteria have been established, and most physicians in the practice of primary care encounter patients who clearly satisfy the criteria and who are in considerable distress.

Uncertainties also remain about the management of FMS. What appear to be most effective are various combinations of therapies that clinicians have arrived at pragmatically.

The symptoms of FMS typically include chronic, widespread aching muscles, stiffness, sleep disturbances, persisting fatigue, anxiety, and depression. On examination, patients are found to have discrete soft-tissue tenderness at multiple characteristic sites.

Unfortunately, this debilitating condition is seen quite often in our office. For some patients, we see relief and for others there is no relief. Finding a successful home program is a difficult but necessary challenge in coping with fibromyalgia. It is time-consuming to treat fibromyalgia, yet we do not want to live in pain. FMS causes the muscles to be tight, ropy, and in constant localized spasms. Our muscles do not use oxygen well and have decreased energy compounds (ATP), and this will cause fatigue.

We all know of friends or family members that suffer from this debilitating condition. With so few answers to the treatment of FMS, we wanted to educate you on the treatments that we suggest to our patients. Each person needs to develop a personal program and set of commitments in order to achieve positive results. Our recommendations are as follows:

1. Maintaining proper posture
2. Modalities (i.e., electric stimulation, heat)
3. Chiropractic maintenance adjustments
4. Routine massage (caution to be gentle)
5. Stretching
6. Relaxation exercises

With so much speculation it is very difficult to give one right answer. If you should suffer from this condition or know someone who has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, we would advise you to call us and we can further help you understand FMS.

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